Longtime Wonder Valley road grader Tim Candelaria is 'back in the saddle' as our full-time road maintenance operator as of today! Older residents will recall how much we missed his dedicated work and deep knowledge about our Wonder Valley roads, easily the BEST roads in the entire Morongo Basin. To request road maintenance you can call 909-386-8800 or use the online reporting system. Hint - using the phone, available during regular business hours, is your best bet.
And if that wasn't enough good news for this Lunar New Year's Eve, the Wonder Valley Community Center Coordinator position has officially been filled by local resident James Dunham who started today as well! The WVCC will resume scheduled hours this week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 a.m. till 2 p.m. Call 760-367-9880 for the WVCC coordinator and see the updated calendar for full schedule of events. The next USDA food distribution is Tuesday 2/15 at 10 a.m. until noon (or the food runs out) and Bob Dougherty from SBC Aging & Adult Services will be back at the WVCC on Wednesday 2/16 from 10-11 a.m. helping seniors and at risk individuals to access resources to improve or maintain choice, independence and quality of life.
Happy Year of the Tiger! Gong Hei Fat Choy! Chuc Mung Nam Moi! Chodesh Tov!