The Friends of Wonder Valley
in partnership with
29 Palms Community Food Pantry and Outreach Ministries INC.
will be distributing bags of groceries at:
10:00 a.m. on WEDNESDAY, January 27 at the:
Wonder Valley Community Center|
80526-½ Amboy Road
Wonder Valley CA 92277
The Community Center is next to the Fire Station. The event continues until 11 a.m., or until we’ve given out all the bags.
This food distribution is for Wonder Valley residents only. Please wear a mask and stay in your car.
We will need you to fill out a form for the
29 Palms Community Food Pantry and Outreach Ministries INC.
You may pick up ONE (1) bag for a neighbor, or they may pick up ONE (1) bag for you.
Please enter the access road at the WVCC sign and continue driving around the building until you stop behind the car in front of you. Stay to the inside of the curve (left) in case someone has to leave. Do NOT get out of your car. We will come around, take your name(s), and as you drive up to the loading zone, we’ll bring your bag(s) to your car. Please be patient and follow all instructions from the volunteers. This is to insure your safety and the safety of our volunteers and staff. Thank you.
The WVCC is CLOSED. The park is closed.