Drive-in church services are once again being held every
Sunday at Godwin Christian Fellowship, 6389 Godwin Road at Highway 62, starting
at 7:30 a.m. All attending are required to wear face coverings and to remain in
their vehicles at all times. Contact Pastor Max Rossi at or 831-234-6848 or
Brother wally Currie at 760-449-8683.
Karen’s Commentary:
Recently I came across a March 1990 issue of Reader’s Digest. The first
thing that struck me was the weight of it! Upon examination, I noticed there
were 246 numbered pages, compared to my July/August 2020 issue which consists
of 126 pages – that’s almost half the number of pages and this is a DOUBLE
issue! There were 18 main articles, a book section and 17 smaller articles in
the old issue; 7 “features”, 12 “departments”, 4 “humor” articles and 4 “genius”
sections in the new one. So just as I was convinced that Reader’s Digest is now
a giant rip-off, I decided to count the advertisement pages. The old issue has a
whopping 84 pages of ads plus several multi-page inserts (totaling another 30
pages) that were not numbered as regular pages; the new issue had just 21 pages
of ads, no inserts. I’ve always loved Reader’s Digest. I’ve been a subscriber for
many years and read other people’s copies for many years before that. But one
thing I will never be able to forgive them for is taking their table of contents
off the cover! To me, that was a unique feature that they should never have
messed with. The time span of thirty years has certainly made a difference in
this magazine, but not enough to stop me from continuing to subscribe to and
read it. If losing the cover’s table of contents feature didn’t stop me, I
guess nothing will.