Our two churches are back in business! Wonder Valley Community Church, 82575 Amboy Road at Thompson Road, will hold services every Sunday at 9 a.m. Godwin Christian Fellowship will hold services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. At this point, face coverings are still required and social distancing will apply. For further information about Godwin Christian Fellowship contact Pastor Max Rossi at mrossi121@yahoo.com or 831-234-6848. For further information about Wonder Valley Community Church, call Pastor Lonnie Casper at 760-401-6128 or 760-391-0480.
Since the birthstone for June is the pearl and the flower is the rose, we send out Rainbows-of-Pearls-and-Roses to Pappy Parsons who celebrates his special day this week. Happy birthday, Pappy!
Karen’s Commentary: Thanks to son Joe for saving coupons for me to send to the U.S. military bases overseas. And I’d also like to thank Mary Lee Twomblay and her husband for the huge amount of used postage stamps
they gave me for Boys Town! They also threw in two greeting card fronts which will be sent to St Jude’s Ranch for Children for their recycled cards program. All good causes.
We are hoping Animal Action League will be able to resume their wonderful work for the animals soon. Spaying, neutering, microchips, vaccinations and even nail trimming are all offered at very reduced rates. They
are located at 62762 29 Palms Highway, just west of the dinosaurs in Joshua Tree. Please call 760-366-1100 for further information.

now -- / It’s the thoughtful look / On the face of the cow.
Until next time..., remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.