Drive-in Church is being held at Godwin Christian Fellowship, 6389 Godwin Road at Highway 62, every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. It’s a really great idea that allows people to attend church services while complying with all current safety measures. For further information, contact Pastor Max Rossi at or 831-234-6848 or Brother Wally Currie at 760-449-8683.
The Dale Basin Well Owners meeting that was scheduled to be held on May 3 has been cancelled.

Karen’s Commentary: I received a package in the mail from former Wonder Valleyite Jan Peek who now resides with husband Jerry in Arizona. It was a shoebox stuffed full of cancelled postage stamps, greeting card fronts and manufacturers’ coupons! Thank you, Jan.
The “Palms Sunday Morning Group” is waiting patiently (or impatiently?) for their meeting place to reopen so all can enjoy those scrumptious breakfasts! The Palms should probably plan on having LOTS of food on hand for the first Sunday they’re open again. Just so you don’t forget, The Palms is located at 83131 Amboy Road at Thompson Road, and their phone number is 760-361-2810.
Handy Hint: Lots of criminals want to trick you into revealing confidential information through emails or phone calls. But you also should be wary of attempts made to fool you by texting. If you get a text from an “acquaintance” you’ve never met, from your bank asking you to confirm your account, or from a contest you didn’t enter informing you that you’ve won a prize, delete it immediately. And never click on links sent by text from people you don’t know. They could infect your phone with malware.
Today’s Thought: I know a guy who’s addicted to drinking brake fluid, but he says he can stop any
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.