Godwin Christian Fellowship’s Drive-in Church will begin at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday in their parking lot at 6389 Godwin Road at Highway 62. For further information, contact Pastor Max Rossi at
mrossi121@yahoo.com or 831-234-6848, or Brother Wally Currie at 760-449-8683

Drive-thru USDA Food Distribution will take place on Tuesday, April 21 at our Wonder Valley Community Center (currently closed), 80526½ Amboy Road at Blower Road, at 10 a.m. Be sure to wear a face covering even though you will remain in your vehicle.

Most events at our community center are sponsored by our non-profit organization
Friends of Wonder Valley. For additional information on any local event, contact WVCC Coordinator Teresa sitz at
teresa.sitz@sdd.sbcounty.gov or 760-367-9880.
We send out Rainbows-of-Diamonds-and-Sweetpeas to Penny Root who turns 54 this week. Happy birthday, Penny!
Our column’s anniversary is this week! We have been writing it for eight years now, and we hope you still enjoy reading it. In case you’re a new reader, we will reintroduce ourselves. We are sisters who have both lived in Wonder Valley for many years. Karen is the older (and wiser) one who is very realistic. Darlene is the younger “Pollyanna” one who is ever-optimistic! Our mother, Louise Borquez, wrote this column for 18 years so we have some big shoes
to fill. We appreciate receiving any local news, including birthdays, anniversaries, family reunions and get-togethers, vacations and trips, visitors and any activity you’d like to share with our readers. Of course at the moment the get-togethers and trips don’t apply, but we’ll all get through this scary time and hopefully have a new and better perspective on what is truly important in our lives, besides toilet paper! Thank you for reading our column.
Karen’s Commentary: First I would like to thank Mary Quamme for the nice card she sent me. I really appreciate it, Mary. We had a mini-Easter celebration at our house this year even though the original plan was for a big Easter dinner and two egg hunts! Instead, we had a much smaller dinner with our two sons and a friend. (We’ve been in constant contact with all of them since this whole thing started, so we weren’t violating any rules.) Ted fixed a delicious turkey and stuffing, and my most notable contribution was dumping the entire bowl of cranberries on the kitchen floor! We sat around visiting afterwards while trying to digest enough to be able to move again! With all the chaos in our lives recently, this was a nice relaxing break for all of us. We hope you had a nice Easter, too.
Until next time . . .
remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.