Training for the Wonder Valley Homeless Count is being given today, January 16 from 10 to 11 a.m. in Joshua Tree. The actual Homeless Count will take place in Wonder Valley on January 23. Call Teresa at 760-367-9880 for further information.
A free movie “Overcomer” will be shown at Wonder Valley Community Church, 82575 Amboy Road at Kuhns Road, on Saturday, January 18 at noon. Munchies will be available at 11 a.m. For further information, call 760-391-0480.

The Salvation Army Food Distribution will be held at our community center on Wednesday, January 22 from 11 a.m. until the food is gone. Food is from Trader Joe’s and usually includes meat, fresh fruits and fresh veggies.

Most events at our community center are sponsored by our non-profit organization Friends of Wonder Valley. For additional information on any local event, contact WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at or 760-367-9880.
Karen’s Commentary: A little more about your “body clock.” From 3 to 4 p.m. your muscle strength, body flexibility and aerobic capacity reach their peak. At 5 p.m. your blood pressure peaks.
Darlene’s Commentary: With mountains of dishes on my counter and an empty dish soap container, I knew to add white vinegar to the “empty” bottle to make everything sparkle. Thank you, Mom!
To keep up-to-date on all the happenings in Wonder Valley, go to Ken and Teresa Sitz keep this website full of information about our area.
Handy Hint: Using your car’s cruise control can reduce your fuel use by seven percent on the
Today’s Thought: “There’s only one way to have a happy marriage – and as soon as I learn what it is, I’ll
get married again.” – Clint Eastwood
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.