The mobile medical van will be at our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road at Blower Road, on Wednesday, August 28 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Primary healthcare services will be provided by a nurse practitioner, including exams, lab test recommendations and prescription refills if necessary. Some immunizations are also available. Walk-ins are accepted as time permits, but appointments are encouraged. Call 760-365-9305 for information or appointments.
The Salvation Army Food Distribution will take place at our community center on Wednesday, August 28, starting at 11 a.m. The distribution will continue until the food is gone. Fresh fruits and veggies are usually
Mark your calendars for some upcoming events. The Palms, 83131 Amboy Road, will reopen on August 29; Ruth Nolan will give us stories of Willie Boy at our community center on August 31; and a community meeting with Mark Lundquist and Sheriff’s Department representatives will be held at our community center on September 4.
Most events at our WVCC are sponsored by our local nonprofit Friends of Wonder Valley. For additional information on any local event, contact WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at teresa.sitz@sdd.sbcounty.gov or
We send out Rainbows-of-Peridots-and-Gladioli to Dominick Bruxer and Ted Meyers (82) who celebrate their special days this week. Happy birthday, Ted and Dominick!
Karen’s Commentary: Two things. One good, one not-so-good. Thanks to Bob and Joe for coupons that went out this week to US Army, Marine and Navy bases in Germany, Japan and Italy. Now for the not-so-good. All my hopes, prayers, positive thinking and wishful thinking came to a screeching halt when I read the article on the front page about our fire station not reopening. I’m devastated.
Lift Transportation provides free rides to and from medical appointments in the Morongo Basin. For information and/or to schedule a ride, call 760-366-5438 or 760-820-9229. When scheduling a ride, try to call at least two weeks before your appointment.
Handy Hint: Using a nail, punch holes into the sides of a clean empty can with the label removed, making any design you’d like. Then place a tea light inside and enjoy your dazzling creation!
Today’s Thought: My IQ test results came back. They were negative.
Until next time..., remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.