On July 31, the medical van will be at our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road at Blower Road, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Care will be provided regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. Appointments are recommended, but not required. Call 760-365-9305 for further information.
Most events at our WVCC are sponsored by our local nonprofit Friends of Wonder Valley. For additional information on any local event, contact WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at teresa.sitz@sdd.sbcounty.gov or
We send out Rainbows-of-Rubies-and-Larkspurs to Mary Anderson and Lilah Margaret Fairweather (8) who celebrate their special days this week. Happy birthday, Lilah and Mary!
Karen’s Commentary: When I went to pick up a prescription, I was told my insurance wouldn’t cover it and it would cost over $800! While trying to straighten this mess out, it just got more and more complicated each day. I finally called the pharmacy to update them, and got an unbelievable but wonderful surprise. It seems that my insurance DOES cover the brand name, BUT NOT the generic! Is that totally backwards or what? I got the brand name for a $20 copay! So if you’re ever told
your insurance won’t cover a prescription, be sure to check both brand name and generic.

Darlene’s Commentary: Whew! I’ve been back and forth most of June and July for xrays and CT scans, and I think my car used enough gas to drive around the globe. As for the tests, xrays and miracle machines that can look through your body without using a scalpel, we are fortunate to live in this era. I was so grateful to hear my doctor say, “You are well.” What a relief! I want to thank all the personnel at HDMC, Desert Advance Imaging, Dr Mahajan, P. A. Ellen, my daughter Julie, my
sister Karen, dear friend Shereen and my forever love Richard.
Today’s Thought: Clutter is physical proof of abundance. Take a look around. If you have clutter, you’re richer than you think!
The 29 Soaring Club meets every Sunday from 11 to sunset, weather permitting, at the Twentynine Palms Airport on 29 Palms Highway at Godwin Road. Gift certificates are available, or just come out to watch the gliders! For information, call Mike at 760-464-2835.
Handy Hint: Clean your mirrors with air freshener. This will give you two nice results!Today’s Thought: Clutter is physical proof of abundance. Take a look around. If you have clutter, you’re richer than you think!