Yoga at The Palms with Lorelei Vox Greene will take place on Saturday, May 4 from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m. at 83131 Amboy Road. Call 760-361-2810.
Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road, will be closed May 4 through May 14. It will reopen on Wednesday, May 15 at 9 a.m.
The Glass Outhouse Art Gallery, 77575 29 Palms Highway, will host an artists’ reception on Saturday, May 4 from 5 to 9 p.m. featuring artists Janis Comentz and Friend, Doug Smith and Paula Long. Come meet the artists, enjoy free refreshments and listen to music by Hunter and the Wick’d. This show will run through May 26. Call Laurel at 760-367-3807.

Dale Basin Well Owners meeting will be held on Sunday, May 5 at Godwin Christian Fellowship Church, 6389 Godwin Road, at 4 p.m. Call Max Rossi at 831-234-6848.
Since the birthstone for May is the emerald and the flower is the lily-of-the-valley, we send out
Rainbows-of-Emeralds-and-Lilies-of-the-Valley to Marlene Roberts who celebrates her special day this week.
Happy birthday, Marlene!
Darlene’s Commentary: Giving space to Karen.
Karen’s Commentary: The Wonder Valley Shoot-out took place IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE! Our neighbors across the road had the best vantage point as their house sits next to the road where
it all took place; our house sits farther back. I was on the phone with the 911 dispatcher, relaying information from husband Ted. All I could see was a silver vehicle stopped on the road, but I could hear the gunshots! A neighbor farther away heard the gunshots, too. It all happened so fast and was SO SCARY that no one’s positive about all the details, but here’s the consensus from the five
witnesses. Two vehicles were involved – one silver, one white. Approximately four people were with each vehicle. First they were all throwing rocks, then at least one of our decorative bottles in the front yard was thrown, then a SHOTGUN was removed from the silver trunk! “White car people” scattered while “silver car shooter” shot AT THEM – approximately eight shots total. Then another “silver car
person” was seen limping and dragging his leg back to the silver vehicle, possibly shot accidentally? This ended the shoot-out, with the vehicles fleeing in opposite directions. Five Sheriff’s cars arrived, plus a helicopter searched the area. The road was closed while deputies took pictures and recovered shell casings and a pair of flip-flops. We have a sign in front of our place that
reads “Royal Flush Ranch.” We’re now going to add a sign below it that will read “AKA The OK Corral.”
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.