Yoga at The Palms with Lorelei Vox Greene will take place on Saturday, April 20 from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m. These classes are donation-based, and all levels of skill are welcome. Call 760-361-2810 for further information.
Also at The Palms on April 20 will be the Hi-Desert Hukilau starting at 4 p.m. Get ready for eight hours of live music on two stages. For information, call 310-920-4804.

Also at our community center on April 24 will be the Salvation Army Food Distribution starting at 11 a.m. Food is from Trader Joe’s and usually includes fresh produce and meat.
For any additional information about any of the above events, call our WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at 760-367-9880.

Karen’s Commentary: Thanks go out to Bob and Joe for coupons that were sent to US Marine,
Army, Navy and Air Force bases in Japan, Guam, Belgium and Italy.
The Animal Action League will spay or neuter pets living in Wonder Valley at a very low cost. They also give vaccinations, trim nails and implant microchips, all at reduced costs. AAL is located at 62762 29 Palms Highway, just west of the dinosaurs, in Joshua Tree. For costs and information
call 760-366-1100.Handy Hint: According to the Marketing Science Institute, when we shop with someone else, as much as 65 percent of what we buy is unplanned.
Today’s Thought: The average payout from a visit by the tooth fairy in 2017 ranged from $4 to $6. (I wonder what dentures are going for!)
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.