Yoga at The Palms classes will be held every other Saturday from 8:30 to 9:45 a.m. beginning February 23. These classes are Gentle-Flow and donation-based, and are for beginners through advanced. The Palms is located at 83131 Amboy Road at Thompson Road. Call 760-361-2810 for further information.
The Salvation Army Food Distribution will take place at our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road at Blower Road, at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, February 27. The food provided is from Trader Joe’s and includes fresh produce.
Mark your calendar for a couple upcoming events. Vega Victoria and Grant Earl LaValley will be performing at The Palms on March 2. HEAP applications will be taken at our community center on March 20. For additional information on any of the above events, call our WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at 760-367-9880.
Karen’s Commentary: Twentynine Palms now has its very own sinkhole! It happened during a rainstorm on February 14, so I guess it was some kind of weird Valentine’s gift from Mother Nature! My son Joe lives at Sagewood Manor Apartments where this sinkhole is located. The opening is about four feet wide, but when looking inside, it’is about seven feet deep and the size of a small room! Everyone has their own idea of what caused it, with the most popular being that it’s an old septic system that has disintegrated over the years, with the earth partially collapsing into the
Darlene’s Commentary: As many of you know, I am a dinosaur about computers by choice. However, I understand that banking transactions can be made on those confounded machines. Since the Bank of America ATMs are locally non-existent for at least a couple more months, maybe I should give this a try! So you should now see my planner – my dear, dear sister Karen (a non-dinosaur) has pre-planned visits scheduled to teach me the ins and outs of the wonders packed into those little metal boxes from February 20 to December 31, 2019!!! I should be a total Computer Nerd by 2020.
Wonder Valley’s website www.wondervalley.org tells everything you ever wanted to know about Wonder Valley, but were afraid to ask! Ken and
Teresa Sitz do a great job keeping everyone up-to-date on all our happenings and interesting people.
Handy Hint: To remove oil and grease stains, sprinkle baking soda on the stain to remove any loose
oil or grease. Then soak in white vinegar and scrub with dish soap before washing normally.
Today’s Thought: Batfish play dead to hide from predators. Their compressed bodies look like leaves floating on top of the water.
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.