The Wonder Valley Community Meeting was very interesting and informative. The future of the Morongo Basin Municipal Advisory Council was discussed, plus the newly-formed non-profit organization Friends of Wonder Valley. Retired police officer Steve Reyes gave a great presentation on ways to secure your property. Many of the ideas presented are simple and inexpensive, but would undoubtedly be very effective security measures.
The Salvation Army Food Distribution will take place on Wednesday, January 23, at our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road near Blower Road, at 11 a.m.
Karen’s Commentary: First
off, I want to thank Bob for loads of coupons and Jan Peek for used postage stamps that she sent from her new home in Arizona. Last week I forgot to mention one of my all-time favorite “home remedies” – gargling with saltwater. At the very first sign of a sore throat, start gargling! A doctor told me many years ago to gargle with warm saltwater the very first thing in the morning and the very last thing at night. He said that the salt kills the bacteria in your mouth and throat, stopping the progression of irritation and inflammation, and
yes, it absolutely works!
Darlene’s Commentary: Thank you, Mother Nature, for turning off the DEEP FREEZE! My beautiful encelia bush is now in full bloom in the most gorgeous shade of yellow. The
recent off-and-on rain might trigger double-blooms this year. We might even see some flowers that we don’t see every year, like the five spot, trumpet flower, Indian paintbrush, desert lily and those white star-shaped belly flowers. Well, even if we don’t have a double-bloom year, I’ll be happy to greet and admire what we do have. Isn’t our desert a spectacular place? Don’t you think so, too, Mother Nature? Hello? Well, I guess she’s already left for work.

The Wonder Valley Community Church, 82575 Amboy Road at Kuhns Road, holds services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. A potluck luncheon is held following the service on the second Sunday of each month. There are also Bible studies on Sundays at 9:15 a.m., and on Mondays at 8:30 a.m. Call Pastor Lonnie Casper at 760-401-6128 or 760-391-0480.
Handy Hint: What can you do with wood ashes? Fertilize your houseplants. Place ashes in a cloth bag, tie it off and steep it in a five-gallon bucket of water for a few days. Use this “ash tea” to water plants weekly.
Today’s Thought: The plastic coating on a shoelace is the “aglet,” the spot between your eyebrows is your “glabella” and the white crescent-shaped part of your fingernail is your “lunule.”
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs
all around us.