On TUESDAY, January 15, the USDA Food Distribution will be held at our community center at 9:30 a.m. Please note that this is a change in the day of distribution.
We send out Rainbows-of-Garnets-and-Carnations to Jennahrose
Davies-Foster who turns 11 this week. Happy birthday, Jennahrose!

Karen’s Commentary: I’d like to talk about stickiness. Yes, stickiness. Why is it that postage stamps stick so well and never fall off – I want some of that glue. And how about
Post-it Notes – REAL Post-it Notes – they never fall off either, but can be removed easily. Where do I buy this adhesive? And the labels on Sterlite products – the red-headed step-children of Rubbermaid – peel off easily and cleanly after YEARS of being firmly affixed!
The non-profit 29 Palms Soaring Club meets at the Twentynine Palms Airport, Highway 62 at Godwin Road, every Sunday from 11 a.m. to sunset, weather permitting. The club owns two gliders and a tow plane, and provides glider rides for $20 to $50, depending on the altitude desired. Cash only is accepted, and gift certificates are available and have no expiration dates. For information, call Mike at 760-464-2835.
Handy Hint: To make a neat jewelry holder, staple chicken wire inside a large wooden frame that has been painted and/or decorated. You can hang this frame on the wall or stand it up on a dresser or cabinet. Use small S-hooks to hang jewelry.
Today’s Thought: “I was going to sue for defamation of character, but then I realized I have no character.” – Charles Barkley
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the
WONDERs all around us.