Friday, January 11, 2019

WV Community Meeting -- January 12, 2019

The full moon and Venus at dawn in December 2018 -- TSS
Everyone is invited and wecome to attend the 
Wonder Valley Community Meeting
from 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, January 12, 2019

at the
Wonder Valley Community Center
80526-1/2 Amboy Road, Wonder Valley, CA 92277

The meeting will be hosted by the
Friends of Wonder Valley, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization

The agenda will be posted at least 72 hours before the meeting at the Wonder Valley Community Center, and online.

AGENDA: -- posted 5:30 a.m., January 7, 2019
NOTES: -- posted 8:15 a.m., January 30, 2019.
(Sorry for the lateness. I've been down with the flu. - TSS)

Wonder Valley resident and retired Los Angeles police officer Steve Reyes will present on ways to secure your property.

Wonder Valley no longer has a MAC Delegate, as the MAC was dissolved in November. Our former MAC Delegate, Teresa Sitz, will chair this meeting and clarify issues regarding our representation with the County.