Please note that the USDA Food Distribution will be held on TUESDAY, December 18 at our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road near Blower Road. Sign ups will begin at 9:30 a.m., with distribution from 10 to noon. From now on, the USDA Food Distributions will be on Tuesdays instead of Mondays. Call WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at 760-367-9880 for further information.

We send out Rainbows-of-Turquoise-and-Narcissus to Diana Akins, Elsilynn Foster (12), Wyona Hipple-Sandoe and Ken Sitz who celebrate their special days this week. Happy birthday to all of you!
Karen’s Commentary: Once again I want to thank Bob and Joey for manufacturer’s coupons. They have been sent to U.S. Air Force, Army and Marine bases in Germany, Italy, Japan and Guam. Our military families overseas use and appreciate these coupons. On a completely different subject, have you gone to the DMV lately? My last visit there was the best ever. It seems as
though they’ve finally worked out the kinks. Of course, you MUST make an appointment in order to be kink-free. And don’t despair if you have no Internet access – phone calls work just fine, too.
Darlene’s Commentary: Here’s a dream for the book. I step outside and see a city in the distance with buildings that sparkle like a metropolis. I look in a different direction and my jaw drops because a massive airplane is flying toward me! It turns toward the city and there is no sound from the airplane or anything else. The plane banks and heads straight down. When the nose is centered over the tallest building, the wings and tail disappear and the fuselage instantly morphs into a gigantic dome that sparkles
and gleams. Any dream analyzers out there?
If you would like to read more about Wonder Valley, go to
Ken and Teresa Sitz do a great job keeping this website up-to-date and interesting.
Handy Hint: For just over $20 you can store open chip bags easily. Mount a magnetic strip
(approximately $15) underneath a shelf in your food cabinet. Then use magnetic chip clips (approximately $7 for four) to close the bags and attach them to the magnetic strip.

Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the
WONDERs all around us.