The Great Fulgurite Hunt that took place last week at Wonder Valley Community Park was attended by around 40 people! Following a
show-and-tell by Darlene Parris and Teresa Sitz, many fulgurites were found.
Fulgurites are formed when desert sand, rocks and pebbles are fused at approximately 10,000 degrees during a lightning strike! The best times to find fulgurites are just after sunrise or just before sunset, with the sun at your back.
On Saturday, November 17, local author Catherine Connors
will be reading from, and signing copies of, her book “The Feminine Revolution,” from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road. Sponsored by Friends of Wonder Valley, there is a $2 suggested donation for this event, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Also on November 17, Harmonica Bob’s Art Show and Open House will take place at 3855 Meriwether Road, from 4 to 10 p.m. There will be
paintings for sale, refreshments and a great hat exhibit. Don’t miss it!

Also, a big “Happy Anniversary” goes out to Sherry and Bill Hague this week!
The USDA Food Distribution will be held on Monday, November 19 at our community center sometime after 10:30 a.m. when the truck arrives.
Free turkeys will be distributed on Tuesday, November 20 at our community center by the Friends of Wonder Valley in conjunction with the San Bernardino County Community Action Partnership. Wonder Valley residents only are allowed to sign up starting at 9 a.m., and the turkeys will be distributed between 11 and noon. It will be first come, first served for the sign-up, and up to 60 turkeys will be given away.
For any of the WVCC events above, call our Coordinator Teresa Sitz at 760-367-9880 for further information.
Since the November birthstone is the topaz and the flower is the chrysanthemum, we send out Rainbows-of-Topaz-and-Chrysanthemums to Karen Meyers who will be 76 this week. Happy birthday, Karen!
Also, a big “Happy Anniversary” goes out to Sherry and Bill Hague this week!
Animal Action League will spay or neuter your pet at a low cost. They also do vaccinations, microchipping and nail trimming, all at reduced prices. They are located at 62762 Highway 62, just west of the dinosaurs in
Joshua Tree. For further information, call them at 760-366-1100.
Handy Hint: To remove blood stains, soak stain in cold salt water for two hours, then dab with a half-and-half solution of ammonia and water.
Today’s Thought: When
you plan to get even with someone, you are only allowing the person who has
hurt you to hurt you longer. (But then again, per Karen, revenge is sweet!)
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the
WONDERs all around us.