Wonder Valley’s own certified Wildlife Rehabilitator Susan
Doggett will give a presentation on birds of prey on Saturday, October 27 at
our Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road near Blower Road, from
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Susan will be bringing three live owls with her for the
presentation. Everyone is welcome to attend and see these beautiful birds up
close. For further information, contact WVCC Coordinator Teresa Sitz at teresa.sitz@gmail.com
or 760-367-9880.

And mark your calendar for a Meet ‘n’ Greet for new Pastor
Lonnie Casper and his wife Jo coming up on Saturday, November 10 at the Wonder
Valley Community Church.
No birthdays this time, but we do have an anniversary.
Sharon and Orville Fangmeyer will celebrate 56 years together this week. Happy
anniversary, Orville and Sharon!
On a sad note, we have lost a 27-year Wonder Valley
resident. Steve Badders passed away in his sleep on October 1. Our sincere
condolences go out to wife Cathy, daughter Breann and son Kyle. Steve will be
missed in our community.

Today’s Thought: The
year 1973 was an interesting year. The Miami Dolphins had the NFL’s first
perfect season, CBS sold the Yankees to George Steinbrenner’s syndicate for $10
million, the final episode of “Bonanza” was broadcast, Emilie Howell Warner
became the first female commercial airline pilot, the first handheld cellphone
call was made, Federal Express began operations, the U.S. launched its first
space station, the first CAT scan took place in the U.S., the Concorde flew
from Washington DC to Paris in three hours and 32 minutes, “The Godfather” won
Best Motion Picture and “The Waltons” won Outstanding Drama Series.