Saturday, March 25, 2017

Jack McConaha Memorial - April 29, 2017

Everyone is invited and welcome to attend a memorial service for the former Fire Chief of the Wonder Valley Volunteer Fire Department - Jack McConaha.

Saturday, April 29, 2017 from, noon - 3 p.m.
Wonder Valley Community Center80256-1/2 Amboy Road, Wonder Valley CA 92277

Jack died two years ago. His daughters, who live elsewhere, were unable to get together here for a memorial until now.

* A potluck will begin shortly after noon.
* Bill and Bob will perform live music for the event. They are a blues duo - guitar and harmonica, and sometimes trombone.
* We will screen a short film - "Riding Shotgun with Jack McConaha," made by local filmmaker Nick Higgins.
* Those who knew Jack will be asked to share their remembrances of him with the community.

Please bring a dish to share. In addition to the regular table we will also have a vegan table. If you want to prepare a vegan dish - remember: no meat, dairy, eggs, or honey.

Even if you didn't know Jack, you'll learn about the history of Wonder Valley.

To find out more about Jack, read:

Hi-Desert Star: McConaha watches out for Wonder Valley

William Hillyard: Laying Tracks with Jack McConaha