Thursday, December 1, 2016

Desert Trails Column, December 1, 2016

The time of Lorelei Greene’s yoga classes has been changed to 8 to 9:15 a.m. on Thursdays.

Since the birthstone for December is the turquoise and the flower is the narcissus, we send out Rainbows-of-Narcissus-and-Turquoise to Cambria Fairweather who celebrates her special day this week. Happy birthday, Cambria!

Karen’s Commentary: Awhile back we gave you a handy hint regarding using vinegar with lavender oil in your washer to soften clothes and give them a nice scent. Since then, our cousin Annie, who submitted the hint, has quit using this for two reasons. First, we put in a subsequent column that cats can get very sick from coming in contact with lavender oil, and she has a cat in the house. Then she read that vinegar can deteriorate the hoses to your washer. The article said that repairmen can tell immediately if someone is using vinegar in their washer.

Darlene’s Commentary: Want to hear about a dumb thing I did? Well, a week ago I awoke to the pitter-patter of rain on the roof, opened the door and noticed two bags of chicken feed sitting on the sidewalk getting rained on. Knowing that I couldn’t lift either sack, I came up with a brilliant idea:  tug one sack at a time while walking backwards (barefooted), dragging them into the house. I remember thinking, “Gee, that was easy, and it didn’t hurt my back!” Well, about an hour or so later, I noticed a tingling and weird sensation on the top of my right foot, and it looked kind of swollen and red. I spent the next day trying to avoid going to the ER, but finally gave in when my foot swelled up to a huge size and I couldn’t walk on it. After x-rays, I was happy to know that it wasn’t broken, but did find out it was badly sprained. So my brilliant idea resulted in a full week of not being able to put any weight on that foot!

The Food for Life Ministry provides delicious free hot meals every Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m. at will deliver the meals to your home at no charge. Call (760) 361-1410.

Handy Hint: For almost effortless oven cleaning, fill a bowl with ammonia and leave it in an UNHEATED oven overnight. By the next day, the ammonia’s fumes will have loosened the gunk so you can wipe it off with a wet sponge or paper towel.

Thought for Today: “Welcome to the Palm Springs retirement home for genteel musicians.” – Mick Jagger, on stage at the Desert Trip music festival, fondly nicknamed “Oldchella.”

Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.