Thursday, October 27, 2016

Wonder Valley Community Meeting | November 12, 2016

Recent storm in Wonder Valley, cominf from the west
Everyone is invited and welcome to attend and participate in the
Wonder Valley Community Meeting
Saturday, November 12 from 10:00 a.m. until noon.

The meeting will be held at the:
Wonder Valley Community Center
80526-1/2 Amboy Road, Wonder Valley CA 92277

French roast coffee and Cuban pastries from Porto's will be served.

Agendized items suggested for discussion by the community at the last meeting include: formation of a fire committee (Copeland, Sheffield, Meyers), and illegal burning (Headrick).

Ramona Arechiga, Community Health Care Worker, and Manuel Rincon, Program Coordinator, from Pacific Clinics will give a presentation titled, “Let’s Talk About Mental Health,” which will cover the following topics:

- Stigma
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Alcohol and Drugs Identification and Prevention
- Bipolar Disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Suicide Prevention

The presenters will be available after the presentation to provide additional information to those interested. Respondents receive FREE SERVICES at the PACIFIC CLINICS FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER/MILITARY AND FAMILY SUPPORT in Yucca Valley by our staff or be referred out as needed.

If you know someone dealing with any of these issues, or are dealing with these issues yourself, please attend this meeting.

Agenda posted online October 27, 12:15 p.m.:
[Revised October 29, 2:30 p.m. to include ORV complaints.]
Meeting Notes posted online January 11, 2017, 6:52 a.m.