Thursday, June 30, 2016

Desert Trail Column, June 30, 2016

One of our announcements last week was that the He Provides Ministry would be at our community center with free clothing and household items. They take a break during June, July and August, so this was incorrect information, and we apologize and hope it did not cause any inconvenience for anyone. They will be back starting on the third Monday in September.

Congratulations go out this week to Teresa and Ken Sitz who celebrate 16 years together, and to Penny and Ron Root who celebrate 23 years together. Happy anniversary to all!

Darlene’s Commentary: 
I am writing this commentary on Sunday evening, June 26, and I hope that everyone came through safely and whole from the planned power outage on Wednesday, June 29, from 8 am to 4 pm. In my opinion, it was poorly planned, and put a lot of people at risk, especially some folks who have no transportation available and no way to get to the nearest cooling center.

Others would not leave their indoor pets to fend for themselves. I would like to know why this “upgrade to the grid” (per Edison) could not have been scheduled at night. Most of our summer nights are warm, but tolerable. I would like to invite the person who scheduled this outage to the next summer midday outage in the desert.

Karen’s Commentary: I devoured my first Arby’s roast beef sandwich in many years the other day, and it was just as delicious as I remembered it to be! Because I was in a hurry, I went to the drive-thru to get it, and was very surprised and very dismayed that during their extensive and lengthy renovations of the old Taco Bell building, they did NOT redo the drive-thru driveway. If you have ever used it, you know what I mean. The designer of that gem should be forced to drive it until they can negotiate the turn without backing up to try again, and actually succeed in getting within arm’s length of the window! Perhaps the designer is the same person who schedules SCE outages?

The Wonder Valley Community Church, 82575 Amboy Road, holds Sunday services each week, plus Bible Studies on Sundays and Wednesdays. They also have a potluck following the service on the second Sunday of each month. Call Pastor Garry Brooks at 760-367-0279 for further information.

Handy Hint: Local community theaters often produce professional-quality shows, and the ticket prices are very reasonable – and we have one right here in Twentynine Palms!

Thought for Today: “Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.” – Mark Twain

Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Man found dead in Wonder Valley

By Z107.7 News, on June 27th, 2016
We have sketchy details about a body that was found in the desert east of Twentynine Palms Saturday afternoon. According to a Sheriff’s report, 911 received a call about 11:45 a.m. from a man—who refused to give his name—that he found a dead body leaning up against a fence near Gold Crown Road and Highway 62 in Wonder Valley. The man refused to stay on the line or at the scene until deputies arrived. Deputies and California Highway Patrol officers searched the area for about two hours before finding the body. The Sheriff’s report indicates that there were no signs of foul play or trauma to the body. A wallet with identification was found on the body; the coroner is attempting to verify if the body matches the ID.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

SCE Outage is cancelled!!!

A couple of people have been informed via Facebook private messages that Southern California Edison is canceling the outage scheduled for Wednesday, June 29, from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

This is the message:
"Hi [WV resident]. We've just been informed that the Wonder Valley maintenance outage scheduled for next week has been cancelled. There is a possibility of rescheduling this outage, but until then, your area will not be affected. We understand that keeping power on in this weather for this community is important, and hope we were able to address your concerns."
This has not been confirmed. The protest is going on as planned.

As of 7:00 a.m., Monday, June 27
To check on an outage, go to:
and type in our current outage number: 770258

Keep your fingers crossed. This is great news if it's true.

There's a rumor that the SCE Outage may be cancelled

A couple of people have been informed via Facebook private messages that Southern California Edison is canceling the outage scheduled for Wednesday, June 29, from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

This is the message:
"Hi [WV resident]. We've just been informed that the Wonder Valley maintenance outage scheduled for next week has been cancelled. There is a possibility of rescheduling this outage, but until then, your area will not be affected. We understand that keeping power on in this weather for this community is important, and hope we were able to address your concerns."
This has not been confirmed. The protest is going on as planned.

As of 7:00 a.m., Monday, June 27
To check on an outage, go to:
and type in our current outage number: 770258

Keep your fingers crossed. This is great news if it's true.

Cadillac Desert

Kip, of Kip's Desert Book Club sez,

Laurel and Frank have invited us back to the Glass Outhouse in Wonder Valley on the 4th of July to discuss the environmental classic, Cadillac Desert by Marc Reisner. This 30 year old book explores the important topic of water in southwestern North America and is perhaps more relevant today than the day it was published. Laurel says the Glass Outhouse is a great place to watch the fireworks on the base, so bring a folding chair and enjoy! 
Time to get your copy of the true crime book Twentynine Palms, by Deanne Stillman. Nancy is looking forward to hosting the August 1st meeting at her Copper Mountain Mesa cabin where we can discuss the changes in the city of 29 Palms over the last 15 years. 
To get to the Glass Outhouse, drive 4 miles east of 29 Palms on Hwy. 62 and turn right on Thunder Road, where you will see the Book Club and gallery sign. The water tank painted to look like a giant Pepsi can is a good landmark to watch for too. If you pass the airport, turn around, you went too far.
For more information visit:

Friday night at the Palms

  • Katie Von Schleicher 
  • The Renderers 
  • Ryan Erskine
  • The Sibleys
The Palms Wonder Valley.
Friday, July 1 at 8 PM - 12 AM
83131 Amboy Rd, Twentynine Palms, California 92284

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Protest against SCE's outage planned for Monday

Cai Cas and some of Cai's friends have planned to protest the Southern California Edison scheduled outage planned for Wednesday, June 29. Temperatures are expected to be around 110 and the outage is planned from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., the hottest time of the day.

For more information about the outage and where you might go to escape the heat, please visit:

The protest is planned for Monday, June 27, at 8 a.m. in front of the Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526-1/2 Amboy Road in Wonder Valley. Everyone is invited to participate. Make and bring a sign, musical instruments, or noise makers. Water will be provided.

Local media will probably be present.

At 9:30 a.m. there will be a HEAP workshop to help people in Morongo Basin pay their utility bills. Go to:
to see what kind of documentation you need to bring to apply for assistance. The workshop is free and is on a first come, first served basis.

Friday, June 24, 2016

SCE OUTAGE INFO: Please share with your neighbors

ELECTRICAL OUTAGE June 29, 8 a.m – 4 p.m.
Southern California Edison has scheduled an outage in Wonder Valley for Wednesday, June 29, from 8 a.m.
- 4 p.m. If you have an emergency, CALL 9-1-1.

80526½ Amboy, Wonder Valley CA - next to the Fire Station
PHONE: (760) 367-9880
EMERGENCY HOURS: Wednesday, June 29, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
If you need to get out of the heat, go to the WVCC. Bring food for yourself, and any medications you need.
Water will be provided.

6539 Adobe Road, Twentynine Palms, CA 92277
If you are a senior you may drive to the Twentynine Palms Senior Center. If you need a ride, call or write our MAC Rep Teresa Sitz before Monday and give her your name, phone number, and address. Reach Out Morongo Basin will pick you up and take you to the Twentynine Palms Senior Center for the day and bring
you home after. If you call before Monday you can reserve a meal.
Teresa Sitz:, 760-865-9550 or 213-447-8591
Other centers may be opened as needed. For more information visit:


  • Make sure your cell phones and backup batteries are charged.
  • If you have a WELL, fill containers for a day’s worth of water for you, your pets, and for flushing your toilet (1-2 gallons each flush). Most well pumps are electric so your well may not be operational during the outage.
  • Fill your car up with gas, and make sure you know how to open your garage manually.
  • Try to leave your fridge or freezer closed during the outage. Keep cold beverages on ice in a cooler.
  • Wake up before dawn and run your swamp cooler and fans. When the sun comes up, close all your curtains.
  • You may have to throw out perishable food if it was kept above 40 degrees for too long.
  • Avoid open flames of any kind.
  • Don’t forget your pets and livestock.
  • Consider going someplace else for the day. Exercise security measures if you leave your house. If you see any suspicious activity, report it to 9-1-1. Ask for an incident number.
  • Check on your neighbors. In an emergency, CALL 9-1-1.
  • For local information and assistance, call the Wonder Valley Community Center at (760) 367-9880.


  • Mild to severe muscle cramps in legs, arms, abdomen, or back
  • Exhaustion, dizziness, and light-headedness
  • Weak pulse and rapid, shallow breathing
  • Heavy perspiration (sweating)
  • Normal to pale skin color


  • Altered mental state
  • Skin that is hot to the touch
  • Rapid, shallow breathing,
  • Strong, rapid pulse
  • Weakness, dizziness
  • Little to no perspiration (sweat)
  • Seizures or muscular twitching

If you are experiencing heat cramps / exhaustion, or any other medical emergency, CALL 9-1-1

Remembering Stonewall

The Sibleys, of Wonder Valley, will be playing at:

The 2nd Annual Remembrance at
Saturday, June 25, 3:00 p.m. to late

The Sibleys will be on the Art Queen stage at 9:30.

Find out about all the other artists showing and performing at the event.
We'll see you there!

The Palms | New Hours

The Palms
New summer hours!
Starting July 6,
Closed Monday - Thursday
Open Friday and Saturday, 3 - 8 p.m.
Open Sunday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

The Palms will be closed August 15 through August 31
Open regular hours starting September 1

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

IMPORTANT: SCE Planned Outage June 29!!!

Many Wonder Valley residents received a notice yesterday of a Planned Outage for June 29 from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. People have told me this will affect Twentynine Palms, as well, though at this point this is a rumor. If it is true, Wonder Valley residents will have to travel more than 30 miles to get to a cooling center.

I have contacted the Public Affairs Officer at SCE, the Supervisor's Office and Special Districts, to see what we can do to either stall, or prepare for, this outage.

In the meantime, I suggest you make whatever preparations you can.

  • Make sure your phone and backup battery are charged so you can call 911 for yourself or your neighbor if you need to.
  • Make sure you have gas in your car and that you can manually open your garage door if necessary.
  • If you have a well, make sure that you have plenty of water bottled for yourselves and your animals. Have buckets of water standing by so you can flush your toilets. Consider filling your bathtub so you will have water to cool off in.
  • Try not to open your freezer or refrigerator. Freeze water in milk bottles and put these in your fridge on the day of the outage. You WILL have to throw out perishable food that is stored below 40 degrees.
  • Fill a cooler with ice and beverages to use for the day. (Keep the fridge closed.)
  • Have plenty of food on hand that does not need to be refrigerated: peanut butter, bread, tortillas, beans, energy bars, snacks.
  • Keep the curtains closed from before the sun comes up.
  • Make plans to visit friends or relatives in a different town for the day.
  • Remember your animals.
  • Check on your neighbors
Stay tuned here. I will report if there are any changes to this planned outage.

Teresa Sitz
MAC Delegate
Wonder Valley

Friday, June 17, 2016

We're RECRUITING for Paid Call Firefighters in Wonder Valley!

This is the Morrisville Volunteer/PCF Fire Department.
They look alot like us!
Enrollment is open for EMR and FIRE classes at Copper Mountain College. If you’d like to take either/both of the classes below, please register as soon as possible so you can begin school the week of August 15.

NOW BEFORE YOU RUN SCREAMING NO!!! - please consider that the FIRE class is a completely online course - pretty much self-paced, and the EMR class meets every other Monday from 3-6 p.m. for 18 weeks. Easy peasy!

Here’s what you want to sign up for:

FIRE 001-50 Fire Protection Organizations ONLINE
EMR 001-01 Emergency Medical Responder CMC Campus

These are both 3-unit classes. A unit costs $46. If you need help paying for the class or books, sign up for a BOG (Board of Governers) waiver. 95% of CMC students do this.

Start by going to: and click on the link that says:

I am taking the accelerated EMR and FIRE HYDROLOGY classes right now, during the summer session. That’s 18 weeks in 16 days. Compared to what I'm doing YOUR experience will be a cakewalk!

It would be IDEAL if several Wonder Valleyites took the class together and we began forming the camaraderie and team building that will make the Wonder Valley Paid Call Fire Department a cornerstone of our community. If several community members take the class, I will attend as well and help out, and we can carpool.

If you want to do this and need ANY help registering, getting your equipment, with transportation, whatever, please let either me, or the instructor James Brakebill, know and we will move heaven and earth to make this happen for you.

James Brakebill, CMC
760-366-3791 x0533

Teresa Sitz, MAC

We're a lifestyle!

Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I started summer school, taking two classes - a semester's worth of work packed into 16 days! What was I thinking. I'm taking Emergency Medical Responder and Fire Hydraulics and am just finishing up the chapter on water systems, which has particular significance to Wonder Valley. This information is invaluable.

This recently came across my desk, from the "lifestyle" section of the hipster design magazine Wallpaper:
Desert anointment: Wonder Valley's flavour-packed olive oil

Yep, Wonder Valley Olive Oil.

What does it have to do with Wonder Valley? Nothing really. The olives aren't growing here, and the people who make it don't live here. They come out once in awhile and have taken a shine to the place. Here are some choice bits:

"Mr. Carroll is one half of lifestyle brand Wonder Valley, and along with his wife Alison is exploring what it means to pair luxury craftsmanship with the traditional simplicity of the desert lifestyle."

"Wonder Valley sees itself as an oasis. Future projects could include furniture and scents. Their latest offering is a Turkish towel in three bright colours– evidence of their faith that there is cool water to be found, even where you have to search a little harder for it."

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


By Z107.7 News, on June 14th, 2016
A Wonder Valley man, already on probation for Armed Robbery, was arrested Sunday, accused of stealing a motorcycle from his neighbor. According to a Sheriff’s report, a man in the 85800 block of Eddie Albert Drive in Wonder Valley called the Sheriff’s Department about 12:30 Sunday afternoon to say he had surveillance video of his neighbor, identified as Justin Becker, 24, breaking into his garage, and riding away on the motorcycle. Deputies contacted Becker at his home and the report states that Becker admitted to taking the motorcycle, but refused to show the deputy where he had hidden it. Justin Becker was arrested for investigation of burglary, and transported to the Morongo Basin Jail. While at the jail, Becker allegedly became combative with deputies and was tasered. He was then taken to Hi-Desert Medical Center, and after being treated, was booked into West Valley Detention Center with his bail set at $75,000. Justin Becker was on probation at the time of his arrest for an armed robbery of the New Pharmacy in Yucca Valley in August last year.

Read the story online.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Celebrate Susan Reilly's 100th birthday at Joshua Tree National Park

"On Wednesday, June 22nd , from 3:00pm - 5:00pm, Joshua Tree National Park and the Joshua Tree National Park Association will host a birthday celebration in honor of Ms. Reilly and the centennial of the National Park Service. The festivities will be held at Oasis Visitor Center and the public is invited to come out and participate in wishing Susan Luckie Reilly and the National Park Service a hearty, happy birthday!"
More info.

I learned about Dr. Luckie and his daughter Susan from reading Sand in my shoe: Homestead days in Twentynine Palms by Helen Bagley. Dr. Luckie brought World War One vets, many who suffered from respiratory illnesses, out to the desert leading eventually to the Small Homestead Act. Our area has a strong tie to veterans, and the healing quality of desert solitude and quietness.

Susan Luckie Reilly granduated from Stanford University in 1938 and took a job as a ranger/naturalist at Joshua Tree National Park. This lead to a lifetime of desert stewardship. She fought a massive electrical transmission corridor that would have cut through the Morongo Basin and the park. This lead to the creation of the Morongo Basin Conservation Association.

Join me at the Oasis Visitor Center on June 22 to wish Susan Reilly a happy 100th birthday!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thoughts on Wonder Valley

Hat tip to Julie Dole!

"In my life I have been fortunate to do a lot of traveling and find inspiration all over America and Europe. In the past year I have been to incredible places, seen amazing sunsets and sunrises, been awestruck by the power of nature and by natural wonders. Yet, never before have I been so captivated by a place as by Wonder Valley."
Read more:

Desert Trail, June 9, 2016

We are eager to get our Wonder Valley Community Center back into shape and functioning well for all Wonder Valleyites, whether full-time residents, part-time residents or just “passers-through.” The County of San Bernardino Special Districts seems more than willing to work with us by providing repairs and replacement of equipment that is either not working up to par or just plain not working at all. A lot of things are in the works, and we are always open to suggestions about anything and everything that has to do with our community center. Stop by to see and talk about the changes taking place. Our community center is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11 to 4. And it’s cool inside!

And speaking of shaping up our community center, hardly anything could be accomplished without volunteers. They are wonderful. We do not have a paid maintenance worker or janitor, so sometimes even small things pose a problem. A couple of these problems were solved this past week by volunteers. The light in the women’s restroom was out, so Sheldon Hughes purchased two fluorescent bulbs and installed them into the light fixture. Thank you, Sheldon! A couple days later, Ted Meyers, after seeing the state of the restrooms, came in and gave them both a thorough cleaning. Thank you, Ted! With caring people like this pitching in to help, the road ahead is smoothed considerably.

The regular Wonder Valley Community Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 11 at the Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road, from 10 to noon. Jim Brakebill, the head of Fire Technology at Copper Mountain College, will be there to tell us how to build a paid call firefighter (PCF) program. Our new Division Chief Tom Marshall will also be there to answer questions. Free pastries and coffee will be available.

Our Wonder Valley Representative Teresa Sitz will present information, issues and concerns of our area at the Basinwide Municipal Advisory Council meeting on Monday, June 13 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Joshua Tree Community Center, 6171 Sunburst. Let her know if you have anything you’d like brought up. Better yet, attend the meeting and bring it up yourself!

Since the birthstone for June is the pearl and the flower is the rose, we send out Rainbows-of-Pearls-and-Roses to Pappy Parsons, Robert Adams, Bill Hague, Garry Brooks and Rosemary Evans, who all celebrate their special days this week. Happy birthday to you!

Handy Hint: The color of the eggshell doesn’t affect the quality of the egg.

Thought for Today: YAHOO! stands for Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle!

Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.

Photo by Stewart West


Wonder Valley resident Lorelei Greene writes,
I am working on bringing yoga classes to Wonder Valley starting about July 11th at the Community Center. Stay tuned for details ...
Can't wait!

MATZA AMBOY | Undergrounds

4 p.m., July 5, 2016
Where: The town of Amboy - look for the cars

MATZA AMBOY | Undergrounds - Art, Land Use and Democracy
The project is described as, "Midway between artist residency and scientific research program, this project by swiss artist Séverin GUELPA brings together artists, researchers and resi-dents to explore and reflect upon issues connecting land, the collective use of natural resources and democracy."

With artists

  • Maxime BONDU
  • Frédéric CHOFFAT
  • Séverin GUELPA
  • Katharina HOHMANN
  • Thierry MAEDER
  • Laurence PIAGET
  • Delphine REIST
  • Delphine RENAULT
  • Léopold BANCHINI 
"The residency in Amboy will take place between June 16 and July 6. The opening of the exhibition is on July 5 at 4 pm. The exhibition in Amboy will then stay open to the public 24/7 until mid-February 2017. Visitors are welcome to the opening and also during the periode of residency."

Press Release

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

TV back on in Wonder Valley

Edward Abbey, with his own
brand of DIY TV repair.
Wonder Valley belongs to County Service Area 70 TV-4. Check your tax property tax bill. You ll see a $5.00 charge for television service. I hear there used to be a TV club in Wonder Valley - everyone chipped in $5. On July 11, 1995 CSA 70 TV-4 was formed.

People had some problems this week getting the channels they were supposed to so I called Special Districts and they sent someone out to the television tower on Pinto Mountain to install a new receiver. It is supposed to have fixed the problem.

If you have questions about how to receive digital television signals at your house, or you want to report problems, call (760) 367-1833, or you can always contact me at

If you have a TV or monitor that you need to get rid of, please hold onto it until we have a free e-waste event - usually around May. TVs and monitors contain highly toxic chemicals that can damage the environment.

Here are some links that may help if you're having trouble with your reception.

Information about antennas and digital television

Proper TV antenna orientation

Independent Contractors wanted

There's a lot of talent in Wonder Valley, and we want you to teach at the WVCC!

From Special Districts,

"The District is happy to be able to offer contracts to individuals interested in offering instruction to the community. Many of our most popular programs are run by independent contractors with a willingness to share their unique talents. Please contact the community center if you are interested in becoming an independent contractor with the District."

You can also contact Karen Meyers, the WVCC coordinator, at 760-367-9880, or Teresa Sitz, the MAC Volunteer at 760-865-9550, or send an email to We could use people to teach

  • dancing
  • cooking
  • arts and crafts
  • languages
  • fitness
  • singing or choir
  • games
  • and more.
It takes about a month to apply for a contract and to get approved.  Check out the Joshua Tree Rec and Parks for ideas.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Congratulations, Joshua Tree Coffee Company!

Congratulations, Joshua Tree Coffee Company, for making "The 40 Best Coffee Shops in the U.S." in Mens Journal!

Joshua Tree Coffee Company
61738 Twentynine Palms Highway
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
(760) 974-9272

Please welcome the new coordinator at the WVCC!

Artist's depiction
Hey, everybody! We have a brand, spanking new temporary coordinator at the Wonder Valley Community Center! Drum roll, please...

Karen Meyers!

She and her sister, Darlene Parris, write the local Wonder Valley column in the Desert Trail.

The new hours for the WVCC are:
Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

The WVCC is not an official cooling center, but these hours allow for people to escape the heat in the hottest part of the day. We'll be posting a calendar of events on the door of the Center along with agenda for community meetings (see under Events Calendar in the left menu, here).

Stop by the Center - there's a FREE book and video lending program - check out as many as you want - no late fees ever. Stop by and say hello to Karen.

Many, many thanks to Starlene Javier, a true community treasure, who resigned from the position earlier in the year for personal reasons. Star has served this community faithfully for decades and continues serving as a volunteer.

Also, there is a job opening for a permanent Community Center Coordinator in Wonder Valley. Go to:

Go all the way to the bottom of the page, where all the checkboxes are, and in the search field under the check boxes, type in Wonder Valley. The job description will then appear at the bottom of the page.

Robbery reported

By Z107.7 News, on May 28th, 2016

A Wonder Valley man says he was tased and then robbed at gunpoint by suspects he says were members of the Hell’s Angels motorcycle gang. According to a Sheriff’s report, a man went to his neighbor’s home about 10:30 a.m. Thursday morning where he saw two men who said they were looking for the neighbor. The neighbor said the suspects then pulled guns on him and tased him before stealing his wallet, cell phone, and keys. The Sheriff’s Department is investigating. Anyone with information should call 760-366-4175.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Desert Trail Column, June 2, 2016

The Glass Outhouse, located at 77575 29 Palms Highway at Thunder Road, celebrates their seven-year anniversary on Saturday, June 4 with an Artists Reception featuring Jeremy Harper and Rik Livingston. Come enjoy refreshments, plus music under the stars provided by The Luminators from 5 to 9 pm. This show runs through June 26. Congratulations , Laurel, and thank you from Wonder Valley!

Applications are being accepted by the Salvation Army for free 6-day camps for children ages 7 to 17, to be held at Pine Summit in Big Bear. There is also a free 3-day camp held at the same location for children ages 5 and 6. Income eligibility guidelines do apply. Call the Salvation Army office at 760-228-0114 and leave a message for Ginger. She will call you back.

Darlene’s Commentary: Things are happening at the Wonder Valley Community Center! For instance, we are now open three days a week – Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 11 am to 4 pm. The Book Program will also be open with expanded hours, providing more opportunities to check out and return books and movies (CD and VHS). If you don’t have a Book Program card, we can sign you up on the spot – and all of it’s FREE!

Welcome to the WVCC!

Karen’s Commentary: I have been sending greeting card fronts to St Jude’s Ranch for Children in Boulder City NV for many years. The Ranch uses the card fronts to make new cards they call “Born Again Cards” that they sell. The children and young adults can earn extra money making these cards, giving them work ethics experience that they can use when they eventually join the workforce. This year St Jude’s is celebrating their 50th anniversary. An Episcopal priest, Father Jack McAdam, started St Jude’s to create a safe haven for abused children. He named it after the Patron Saint of Desperate Causes. Early support came from Jack Benny, Shecky Greene, Bob Hope and Frank Sinatra who performed at the first large fundraiser on November 15, 1966. St Jude’s Ranch for Children is an exceptional organization.

Animal Action League, located just west of the dinosaurs on Highway 62 in Joshua Tree, will spay or neuter your pet at a great discount. They also do microchipping, vaccinations and nail trimming, all for very low prices. Call them for information at 760-366-1100.

Handy Hint: For coldsores, just dab on some honey at the first sign – you’ll be amazed! We personally know two lifelong coldsore sufferers who will attest to how much better this works than the purchased medications.

Thought for Today: Polident is something you can sink your teeth into.

Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.

Photo by TSS

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Marta Becket and the Amargosa Opera House

Lovely story about Marta Beckett restoring the Amargosa Opera House in Death Valley, and Jenna McClintock, her protege.

Glass Outhouse Gallery Opening, June 4, 5 - 9 p.m.

Reception: 5 - 9 p.m., Saturday, June 4th
Exhibition Runs June 4-26, 2016, Tues-Sun 1pm-5pm

"Here, There, and Everywhere"

  • Plein Air paintings from diverse locations by Blair Harper & Jeremy Harper
  • Zono Art from “Planet Joshua Tree” to Infinity!
  • QUILTS by Letitia Harper!
  • Special Musical Guests: THE LUMINATORS!
ALWAYS FREE! Refreshments, to boot!

The Glass Outhouse Art Gallery77575 Twentynine Palms Highway at Thunder Road
Wonder Valley CA 92277

Monthly Community Meeting - June 11, 10 a.m.

Everyone is invited and welcome to attend and participate in our monthly community meeting. 

Tom Marshall, Division Chief, Division 5, County Fire, and James Brakebill, the head of the Fire Technology Program at Copper Mountain College will talk about the requirements for those interested in the Paid Call Firefighter program. There's a job for everyone so come find out what you can do!

Check out the
Paid Call Firefighter requirements and application:

And there will be PORTO'S pastries and French roast coffee.

Home Energy Assistance Program - HEAP Workshop - June 27

Download the HEAP Flyer: English, Spanish

Do you need financial assistance to
pay for your heating or cooling costs?

Come to the FREE
Home Energy Assistance Program
Energy Education Outreach/Workshop 
At the Wonder Valley Community Center, 80526-1/2 Amboy Road
June 27, between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. 
(with a lunch break from noon - 1 p.m.)
Please bring the following required documentation.
  1. An ID and Social Security card for the applicant.
  2. A social security number for all household members.
  3. Current income for the last 30 days from the day of the application for all adult residents (since October 13, 2015).
  4. Current award letter for the following benefits if you receive any of them.
    a. Social Security award letter for 2015 benefits or a bank statement showing the benefit deposit.
    b. A current Notice of Action if you receive cash aid or food stamps.
    (If you don’t have a current Notice of Action you must go down to the county office and ask for a form called Passport to Services showing the benefit amounts.)
  5. Rental agreement or mortgage statement, or property tax
Requirement for assistance with ELECTRICITY or GAS 
Bring current Electricity and/or Gas bills, if you have service, showing usage, not just disconnection notices.

Requirements for assistance with PROPANE  
  1. A 100+ gallon propane tank
  2. Copy of Propane Invoice for the last time it was filled, or if you have an open account with a specific vendor you can request a quote letter.
NOTE: You are not required to provide proof that you can use firewood, or have purchased firewood in the past, to qualify for assistance with FIREWOOD.

Please let Karen Meyers or Teresa Sitz know you will be attending.

Drop ins are welcome. You do not need to be a Wonder Valley resident to apply.

Karen Meyers: (760) 367-9880,
Teresa Sitz: (760) 865-9550,


Find your polling location.

For Wonder Valley, select Twentynine Palms.

The Wonder Valley Community Center
80526 1/2 Amboy Road, Wonder Valley CA 92277

is a polling location and will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.

Please preview your Voter Guide and Sample Ballot.

Voters who have registered as NPP (no party preference) will be automatically given a ballot with no presidential nominees. NPP voters can, can however, vote the presidential ballot of the following parties:

  • American Independent Party
  • Democratic Party
  • Libertarian Party

Simply request a ballot for one of these parties.

California Secretary of State Voter Bill of Rights.