No birthdays this week, but we’re sending get well wishes to Teresa Sitz as she’s recovering from a back injury. Get well, Teresa!
This month’s regular Monthly Meeting, normally held on Monday, will be held on Saturday, March 12 at our community center, 80526 ½ Amboy Road from 9 to 11 am. Fire Technology instructor Jim Brakebill will show a short film entitled “The Power of Fire.” If for no other reason, you should attend this meeting to see this video! Other discussions will include local cleanups by San Bernardino County Code Enforcement, Neighborhood Watch, fire services updates, honoring Jack McConaha and changes at our community center.
On Monday, March 14, a meeting regarding homeowners insurance will be held at our community center from 10 to noon. California Department of Insurance representative Peter Meza will discuss affordable insurance, how fire services affect the ability to have insurance and Wonder Valley’s ISO rating and how to lower it.
Darlene’s Commentary: I want to thank Mother Nature (and the Spirit of the Pioneers) for blessing our desert with beautiful wildflowers! They’re popping up everywhere, and I’m told that some places have solid patches of color. In celebration, I want to share with you some quotations about flowers.
“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.” – Buddha.
“Flowers are the music of the ground, from Earth’s lips spoken without a sound.” – Edwin Curran.
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand better.” – Albert Einstein.
Karen’s Commentary: I want to thank Jan Peek for sending over used greeting cards and used postage stamps. Also, our cousin Annie French for sending lots and lots of coupons! The kids at St Jude’s Ranch for Children, the eagles in Big Bear and the military families overseas all thank you. I’d also like to mention that you can add the location of an illegal dump site to our Wonder Valley map by going to bit.ly/dumpsites.
For road maintenance questions or comments, leave a message for Tim at 760-367-9880.
Handy Hint: Reduce water usage by filling a plastic bottle with water, replacing the lid and putting it inside your toilet tank. This reduces the amount of water used per flush. Just be sure that it doesn’t interfere with the flushing mechanism.
Thought for Today: An Air Force truism is that the only time you have too much fuel is when you’re on fire.
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.