Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Community Clean Up Proposed - Volunteers Needed!

San Bernardino County Code Enforcement is willing to provide a huge dumpster and the Marines are willing to pitch in with volunteers for a Community Clean Up if the community of Wonder Valley provides:
  1. Volunteers - the more we have the more we can do!
  2. Pickup Trucks to ferry trash and tires to the dumpster which will be conveniently located.
This will be a BLITZ from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - 4 HOURS ONLY!

The more people we have the more sites we can tidy up.

I know we all love our solitude out here but if we want to keep it we're going to have to work shoulder to shoulder once in awhile. (It's only 4 hours.) By working together we're telling a story about ourselves and our community, about the unique character of Wonder Valley - the character that we want to protect and maintain. I'm looking at you.

Oh, and if you don't have the wherewithall to pick up trash, come anyway and bring drinks or snacks. There's something for everyone to do.

Sign up by contacting me - Teresa Sitz, your neighbor (first) and MAC Delegate, at