Wonder Valley, California, in the heart of the Mojave Desert, is a rural community of artists, musicians, and other desert dwellers. Visit the Palms Restaurant, the Glass Outhouse Gallery, and the Wonder Valley Community Center. Visit the beautiful Pinto and Bullion mountains. Minutes from Joshua Tree National Park and the Gateway to the Mojave Preserve.
Monday, February 22, 2016
Wonder Valley Community Meeting with LAFCO
You are invited and welcome to attend and participate in a Wonder Valley Community meeting with LAFCO, San Bernardino County's Local Agency Formation Commission from 10 a.m. until Noon on Saturday, April 23, 2016.
County Fire gave us four options to address our tax/assessment shortfall for our fire services. The fourth option, and the only one we have not yet addressed as a community, is the dissolution of FP 4 - our fire protection district 4 along with its $34.10 assessment.
LAFCO will be present to discuss the process for dissolving FP4, and the consequences - good and bad. They will also be able to answer any questions regarding forming a CSD, or city, or any other agency formation questions you may have.
Division Chief John Chamberlin, County Fire Division 5 South Desert, will also be present to discuss the issue and answer questions.
April 23, 2106, 10:00 a.m.
Wonder Valley Community Center
80526½ Amboy Road, Wonder Valley, CA 92277
Wonder Valley MAC Volunteer and Meeting Chair: Teresa Sitz
Everyone is invited and welcome to attend and participate.
1. Call to order and Flag Salute
2. Community comment on items not on the agenda
The community is also invited to comment after the reports and during the discussions below.
3. Presentation on the Possible Dissolution of FP-4
- Kathleen Rollings-McDonald, Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)
- Division Chief John Chamberlin, County Fire, Division 5, South Desert
On May 20th, 2005 the residents of the community of Wonder Valley voted on a 72% margin in favor of establishing a fire tax. This tax started at $30 annually and had an inflationary value of 2.5% attached. The Board of Supervisors declared the official results of the mailed ballot (Item #15) on June 7th, 2005 for Improvement Zone M, with a 1.5% inflationary measure. This tax was built on the premise of both Limited Term Firefighters and Paid Call Firefighters.
FP-4 started at a rate of $30 for the 2005-06 tax year. Through the 1.5% accepted increase from the Board of Supervisors, it has gone up an average of .471 cents each year per parcel. The current rate is $33.80 per parcel for 2015-16. SFP-4 is made up of 4,636 total parcels. Year to Date collections 2014-15 are $151,218.81.
SOURCE: San Bernardino County Fire Department FP-4 Wonder Valley Presentation, Division Chief John Chamberlin, http://bit.ly/firetaxppt
5. Announcements
6. Adjournment
View County Fire's presentation, with the 4 options, here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/75d0e0g4n3hkio9/Wonder%20Valley%20Presentation.pptx?dl=0