The Basinwide Municipal Advisory Council will meet on Monday, February 8 at the Joshua Tree Community Center, 6171 Sunburst, at 6:30 pm. There will be a law enforcement panel discussion addressing crime in the Morongo Basin, with members of various law enforcement agencies speaking and answering questions. Wonder Valley’s representative Teresa Sitz encourages all Wonder Valley residents to attend as it’s very important for our elected officials to know our thoughts on the current level of crime in our area.
Since the birthstone for February is the amethyst and the flower is the violet, we send out Rainbows-of-Amethysts-and-Violets to Beautiful Downtown George Burgess, Chetara Bevins and Darlene Parris, who all celebrate their special days this week. Happy birthday to all!
Darlene’s Commentary: Here we go again! Have you noticed the little sprigs of green on both shoulders along Amboy Road? I do believe that Spring is softly and quietly tip-toeing closer and closer, waiting for Mother Nature to give the sign. We have had a few good downpours, including that incredible lightning spectacular, plus a soft rain last Sunday, so I am hoping for a show of wildflowers to decorate our beautiful desert.
Karen’s Commentary: It’s Cadbury Egg time at just about every store in the world! Of course I just walk right past them. NOT! But it does take awhile (several seconds, at least) before I give in and clutch one in my hand like it’s the only thing I’ll have to eat for the entire week. And as I’m taking the first wonderfully marvelous bite, I’m absolutely convinced it’s much better than a hug from one of Darlene’s pioneer spirits!
Animal Action League, located just west of the dinosaurs on 29 Palms Highway in Joshua Tree, provides very low cost spay and neuter services, vaccinations and microchipping for your pets. Call 760-366-1100 for information.
Handy Hint: Use the bathroom mirror as a message board, with a bar of soap as the “pencil.” The message will never be missed, plus removing the lettering will give you the bonus of a clean mirror.
Thought for Today: Intercontinental phone service began in 1927 with a call between New York and London costing $75 ($980 in today’s currency) for the first three minutes.
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.