See the draft ordinance here:
The Joshua Tree Chamber of Commerce is working with local VR owners and operators on this issue and urges owner/operators to write to Phil Paule, who works for Third District Supervisor James Ramos, at:
See the Joshua Tree Chamber of Commerce page here:
As the MAC (Municipal Advisory Council) Delegate for Wonder Valley, I urge vacation rental owners and operators to:
- read the draft ordinance
- contact Mark Lundquist ( with your concerns
- contact Phil Paulie ( with your concerns
- contact me, Teresa Sitz (, and tell me how you would like to proceed on this issue
- write a letter to the editor of the Desert Trail about the VR industry in Wonder Valley
Once this ordinance is approved, with inspectors and administrators hired, procedures put in place, taxes collected, it will be very difficult to dial it back. NOW is the time to let the County know how you feel about this ordinance.
The County is organized, and so they can draft and approve an ordinance such as this. If the VR owners/operators want to have a voice YOU will need to get organized, go to a few meetings, provide me with a statement that I can deliver to the MAC, meet with your repesentatives, and make sure your voice is heard.
I am your MAC delegate. I represent YOU. If you want my help, let me know. I can help arrange a meeting for you, draft a response, send a letter to the MAC, request a meeting with representatives, and stand up for Wonder Valley.
A couple of months ago I requested a meeting with the County for Wonder Valley VR owners and was required to provide a list of VR owners and the amount of Transient Occupancy Tax that they had paid. I thought this was an unfair requirement, and still do, but relayed the information to the Wonder Valley Community. I regret doing this. There should be no requirements for meeting with our elected representatives, especially not lists of names and amounts of taxes paid. I wish I had followed my initial instincts and refused when I was sent the requirement. And just to be super clear, I never had a list, never created a list, never researched a list, and most certainly never gave anyone a list. I would never do that. Ever.
I am telling you this because I am on your side. I was appointed to this volunteer position to represent YOU, not the County. I want to see Wonder Valley thrive. I want our relationship to our County government to be a partnership that supports our efforts to make Wonder Valley a vibrant community.
That said, I hope you will organize and take some action to represent your industry to the County government. I am available to assist you.
Teresa Sitz