The monthly meeting with our Basinwide MAC representative Teresa Sitz will be held on Monday, August 10 in our community center at 9 am. The San Bernardino County Code Enforcement Supervisor will be in attendance to answer all your questions.
The regular meeting of the Basinwide Municipal Advisory Council will take place at the Joshua Tree Community Center on Sunburst from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on Monday, August 10. Everyone is welcome.
Since the birthstone for August is the peridot, and the flower is the gladiolus, we send out Rainbows-of-Peridots-and-Gladioli to Chris Buskirk who celebrates his special day this week. Happy birthday, Chris!
Darlene’s Commentary: What a wallup of a storm last Thursday afternoon! There was nothing common or boring about it, hitting different spots in Wonder Valley with heavy rain, tornado-like winds changing directions two or three times during a deluge of about 30 minutes. Other areas were left bone-dry while folks watched the opaque clouds drop what looked like a black curtain of rain, and not very far away from where they stood and watched. Then the storm moved east, and we all went outside to enjoy the breeze of fresh clean air and the bright full moon.
Karen’s Commentary: I suffer from Situational Narcolepsy and Situational Eataholism. Never heard of them? Well, I’m not surprised because I think they’re my own unique conditions. Whenever I need to do something I really don’t want to do, I immediately become either ravenously hungry or very, very sleepy. I guess it’s my own personal avoidance mechanism kicking into place! And the funny part is that, even though I am well aware of what’s actually happening, I still feel that I really need to go get a snack or take a nap. The mind is a powerful thing.
The Wonder Valley Community Center is open every Monday from 9 to noon. It will open one hour earlier on days of the USDA Food Distributions, and is closed on all holidays. Star Javier is there to answer all your questions and help with any issues or concerns. Or you can call her at 760-367-9880.
Handy Hint: To thoroughly dispense dry graphite into a lock mechanism, place your finger over one end of a hollow coffee stirrer and fit the other end onto the graphite nozzle so you can partially fill the stirrer with graphite. Then place the filled end into the lock and blow it into the mechanism.
Thought for Today: If your father is a doctor, you can be sick for nothing. If your father is a minister, you can be good for nothing.
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.