Wonder Valley, California, in the heart of the Mojave Desert, is a rural community of artists, musicians, and other desert dwellers. Visit the Palms Restaurant, the Glass Outhouse Gallery, and the Wonder Valley Community Center. Visit the beautiful Pinto and Bullion mountains. Minutes from Joshua Tree National Park and the Gateway to the Mojave Preserve.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Cooling Stations
There are two cooling centers available to residents of Wonder Valley - neither very near. but still available:
Senior Center, 6539 Adobe Road in Twentynine Palms, across from the Fire Station and MBTA Transit Center. Open 9 to 5 Monday thru Friday. In extreme heat, the center may stay open evenings and Sat. or Sun., and has a generator in case of power outages. Water available; no food service night or weekends. No pets allowed inside. Assistance: Senior Center 760-367-5780, MBTA bus 760-366-2395, Palms-N-Paws Animal Shelter 760-367-0157. Remember: Drink plenty of fluids (water, not sugary drinks), wear lightweight clothing, limit outdoor activities to early morning or evening hours, and check on family, friends, and neighbors during extremely hot weather to make sure they are safe and comfortable. Stay safe!
Hi-Desert Medical Center, at White Feather Road in Joshua Tree, behind the County Buildings, will once again serve as a “cooling station” for the Morongo Basin in the event of excessive heat or should Southern California Edison experience power outages during the summer. Cooling stations are air-conditioned facilities where local residents may go for temporary relief from extreme heat. The cooling station at Hi-Desert Medical Center is in the cafeteria of the main hospital, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pets are not allowed (service animals are permitted).
Twentynine Palms Branch Library
6078 Adobe Rd. Twentynine Palms, CA 92277
(760) 367-9519
Mon, Tues, Wed 11 am-7 pm
Thur 10 am-6 pm
Sat 9 am-5 pm
Tips on keeping pets safe when it's hot.
List of all Cooling Stations in San Bernardino County