This week we’re sending out Belated-Rainbows-of-Diamonds-and-Sweet Peas to Diane Brooks who celebrated her special day a couple weeks ago. We hope you had a really great birthday, Diane!
Karen’s Commentary: Here’s a collection of “Single Sentence Comments.”
- Thank you, Jan, for the used stamps and the nicely-cut-out coupons.
- What about vinegar killing the goathead-weeds?
- Thank you, Annie, for more nicely-cut-out coupons.
- I am now $602 ahead with my casino system.
- Did you notice that the circus was “back in town” on Godwin Road from December to February?
If you have a comment or question about road maintenance, call 760-367-9880 to leave a message for Tim, our “road guy.” Also, we would like to personally thank Tim for keeping Blower Road wide in the area coming up the hill from the wash. It’s really scary when the road gets so narrow there because you can’t see what’s coming over the top of that hill, and you can’t get far enough to the right to avoid whatever might be coming.
Handy Hint: Spray kitchen scissors or knives with nonstick spray before chopping sticky foods such as raisins or dried apricots.
Thought for Today: “Ninety per cent of our lawyers serve ten per cent of our people. We are over-lawyered and under-represented.” – Jimmy Carter
Until next time . . . remember to take time to enjoy the WONDERs all around us.