Wonder Valley Community Center

Wonder Valley Community Center
80526 Amboy Road
Wonder Valley, CA 92277
Contact: Teresa Sitz, 760-367-9880, teresa.sitz@sdd.sbcounty.gov
Open Mondays from 9:00 a.m. - noon.
The center loans out books, VHS tapes, DVD's like a library. No charge.
USDA Food Distribution on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from March through December and the 2nd Monday in January and February. Low income San Bernardino residents self-certify on site.

Wonder Valley Community Center User Fees 2013
Community based non-profit organizations that provide community events, charitable activities or volunteer services to the community. Activities must be open to the general public and not require an admission charge.
No charge.

Use of facility for fundraisers, private parties, for profit classes or activities, social or relitious gatherings
$15 per hour
$75 per day

Cleaning Deposit (refundable upon facility inspection) $250
Certificate of insurance required per County of San Bernardino requirements